Dede Korkut Çevirisi - II: Salur Kazan'ın Tutsaklığı


Bahadırhan Dinçaslan'dan ikinci Dede Korkut çevirisi.

TamgaTürk yeni kurulduğunda Dede Korkut'un en sevdiğim hikayesini İngilizceye çevirmiştim. Devamını getireceğime söz versem de bir türlü mümkün olmadı. Şu sıralar Karşılaştırmalı Mitoloji kitabımı düzensizlik ve acemiliğinden kurtarıp yeniden yazmaya çalışıyorum. Yazılarımın derlemesinden oluştuğu için epey savruk. Okurken eski tespitlerim karşıma çıkıyor, bunlardan biri de Hildebrand - Hadubrand efsanesindeki motifin Dede Korkut'taki Salur Kazan - Uruz hikayesiyle benzerliğiydi. Bu benzerliğin sebebinin difüzyon olmadığını kitapta açıklıyorum ve bu çeviri metni bunu ele alacağımız bir metin değil, yine de dikkat çekmek istedim. Meraklısına, yaptığım ikinci çeviri aşağıdadır. Bu defa dili daha sade kullandım, bakalım öncekine nazaran nasıl olmuş:

Of Salur Kazan's Enslavement and Rescue by His Son Uruz


The lord of Tirabuzan had sent a falcon to Khan Kazan, the lord of the lords. On a night of feast and drink, he said to his head-falconer: “Hoy, bring the falcons on the morrow, let us go hunting in the quiet of the dawn.”

They mounted early in the morrow and arrived in the hunting grounds. They saw many geese were resting, and Kazan sent his falcon forth. It could not take the prey and flew away. Eyeing it perching on Tomanın Keep, Kazan was saddened and followed his falcon.

Passing hills and dells he reached the infidel’s land. Weary of his travel the darkness of the sleep creeped into Kazan’s eyes. His lords said: “Let us return, my khan.” But Kazan said: “Let us ride further.” He saw a keep, and said: “My lords, let us sleep here.” Kazan was taken away by the little death. For, my khan, back then the lords of the Oghuz used to sleep seven days, hence it was called the little death.

Yet, that day the infidel lord of Tomanın Keep was also on hunt. His spy told him: “A company of riders came, their lord slept.” The lord sent his men to see who the riders were. And his men knew that these were the heroes of the Oghuz. They came back and warned their lord. The lord mustered his men forthwith and came upon them. The lords of Kazan said: “If we forsake Kazan his household will shun us, the best for us is to die here with him.” They faced the infidels and clashed with them. Twenty-five of his lords fell by Kazan that day. The infidels swarmed on Kazan, they held him where he slept and bound his hands and feet tight, then loaded him on a well-protected cart. They pulled the cart and left.

On the road Kazan woke up to the creaks of the cart. Stretching himself he tore off his cords, then sat in the cart and laughed clapping his hands.

The infidels asked: “Why do you laugh?” Kazan said: “Hoy infidels, I thought this cart were my sweet crib, and you were my hideous nurses.” Meanwhile they had reached the keep. They hurled him in a dried well by the keep and closed the hole with a millstone. They threw his food and water through the little of the grindstone.

One day the wife of the infidel lord said: “Let me go and see what a man Kazan is, he who harmed many men.” She came and had the gaoler shift the stone. She called to Kazan: “O Lord Kazan, how do you fare, were you better above the ground or are you better below it? What is it you eat, you drink, and you ride now?” Kazan told her: “When you offer food to your dead I steal it from them, and I am mounting your dead, and am towing the older ones.” She then said: “For God’s sake Lord Kazan, a daughter of mine died on seven, pity me and do not ride her.” Kazan told her: “She is the best trotter, I always ride her.” The woman then said: “Alas, our living suffered you above the ground, now our dead is suffering beneath it.” She came to the lord and said: “I beg you to take that Tatar from the hole, he is breaking the waist of our daughter, towing the older dead he is riding her and stealing the food offered for our dead. Neither living nor dead is safe from him, for God’s sake take him out of that hole.” The lord summoned his lords and said: “Let us take Kazan out of that hole and bid him to praise us and slander the Oghuz, then let us take his word to never wage war against us.”

They took Kazan out of the well and brought him before the lord. They told him: “Take an oath to never wage war against us again, and then praise us and slander the Oghuz, so that we release you.” Kazan said: “God be my witness, I will not take the crooked path while the straight road is before me.” They misjudged and said: “Verily Kazan took a solemn oath. Now, Lord Kazan, praise us.” Kazan said: “I do not praise with my feet on the ground. Bring me a man to ride and upon such a steed I will praise you.” They brought an infidel. Kazan asked for a curb bit and a saddle, they brought them too. He saddled the infidel and bridled his mouth, and leaped on him. His heels clasped around his chest, pressing his rib cage to his back. He pulled the bridle and clove his mouth. Killing the infidel, he sat upon him, and said: “O infidels, bring my lute and let me praise you.” They brought his lute, and he sang, let us see, my khan, what he sang:

When I saw a thousand foes, I saw a day’s meal
When I saw twenty thousand I did not even sniff
When I saw thirty thousand it was ten in my deal
When I saw forty thousand I squinted and stood stiff
When I saw fifty thousand I did not yield an inch
When I saw sixty thousand I did not parley
When I saw eighty thousand I did not flinch
When I saw ninety thousand I did not dismay
When I saw a hundred thousand I did not turn away
I took my unretreating sword in hand
And swung in Muhammad’s name
Rolled many heads where I stand
Even then I did not boast about my fame
Nor did I approve of those who brag
While I am in your hand better you kill me
Behead me right now quit your nag
Before your black sword I will not flee
Nor will I slander my kinsmen for any fee!

Then he sang again, let us hear what he sang:

When boulders came rolling down the mountain
I was Kazan who halted them with his heel
Should tyrants of old raise from the tombs
I was Kazan who trampled them down and seal
When great lords of the realm charged each other
I was Kazan who calmed them down with his whip
When the mist took the mountain peaks
The black fog engulfed the roads
When the rider cannot see his horse’s ears
And the heroes went astray in the dark
I was Kazan without guide knew where to trip
I was the one who faced the seven head drake
Whose splendor brought my left eye to tears
And I cursed my own treacherous eye
For such a plain snake it fears
Even then I did not boast about my fame
And deplored those who brag about their name
While I am still in your hand bring me my ruin
Swing your sword and take my head
Your sword I do not dread
But I will not betray my roots, my kin
No, praise be to Oghuz, flay my skin!

Then he sang again, let us hear what he sang:

There in the north by the thunderous sea
On a high cliff is built the infidel town
There the fins of the fish clash each other
While the sea-birds chasing them drown
And beneath the waves the heathens cry “I am God”
While their daughters offer their rear
The lords of Sancıda play with their golden toys
Six times the Oghuz for conquest came near
There I went with only six men, and I took
Razed the church there and shouted God’s word
Their daughters became our toys to enjoy
Enslaved their lords with my sword
Even then I did not boast about my fame
And deplored those who brag about their name
While I am still in your hand bring me my ruin
But I will not betray my roots, my kin
I will not praise you, flay my skin!

Then Kazan sang again, he said:

There I have a seed in the tiger of white rock
Which hunts your deer in the southern meadow
There I have a seed in the lion of the white marsh
To bring your white blazed mares their woe
There I have a seed in the litter of the rampant wolf
To prowl around your ten thousand sheep
There I have a seed in the white falcon’s nest
Your mallards and geese are his prize to keep
There I have a son who is called Uruz
And my brother Göne the Black in the realm of Mighty Oghuz
Who kills your resurrecting God every time he is born
Kill me while I am at your hand for I am sworn
I will not praise you swing your blade
I will not slander my own, God forbade!

And he sang a last song:

O greedy Circassian barking like a dog
Who feasts on foul swine
Who sleeps on reeds of the bog
Whose pillow is a mud-brick design
Who worships wooden idols
All you deserve is to be my hound
I will not praise you in our stead
Kill me while I am bound
For I will kill you if you dread.

Then the infidels said: “He did not praise us, let us slay him.” All the lords gathered and debated: “He has a son and a brother, we should not kill him lest they avenge.” Then they threw him into the gaol.

The horse’s hooves are swift, the bard’s tongue is fleet. For a long time nobody knew if Kazan was alive or not.

Back then, my khan, Kazan had a son. He grew up and became a brave youth. One day when he was riding to the lords’ council, someone asked him: “Are you not the son of Kazan Khan?” Angered, Uruz said: “Damned fool, is Bayındır Khan not my father?” He answered: “No, he is the father of your mother, he is your grandfather.” Then Uruz asked: “Is my own father alive or dead, then?” The man answered: “He is alive, yet a captive at Tomanın Keep.” As he spoke thus Uruz was saddened and wept. He rode back to his mother and said:

O mother I am not the son of our Khan
But son of Khan Kazan
Why did you not tell me o bastard’s daughter?
If mothers were not sacred by God’s will
Right here my own sword would slaughter
You - and your head’s blood would spill
On the soil for depriving me of my fill

His mother wept and said: “Son, your father is alive but I was feared to tell you lest you go to infidels and have yourself killed. This is the reason I have kept it hid from you my dearest! Yet, as you now know, sent word to your uncle, let him come and give us counsel.”

He sent word to his uncle and summoned him. Uruz said: “I am headed to the keep where my father is kept.” They counseled for a while. They sent word to all the lords, summoned them with arms and steeds to wage war. Uruz the Brave packed his tents and loaded his arms to his carts. Göne the Black assumed the command, blowing their horns they went on riding.

There upon the road there was a monastery of the infidels, where monks lived. It stood on a high cliff. They dismounted and took up guise of traders, towed mules and camels as if they were bringing goods. Yet the infidels saw them and thought they looked not like traders, and fled to the monastery, barred the doors tightly. One of them asked from the ramparts who were they. They answered they were traders, yet the infidels denied and threw stones at them. Uruz dismounted and urged: “All those who drank wine from my father’s cups, now is the time. All who love me dismount, let us beat this gate with our maces.” Sixteen men leaped froward, holding their shields they came before the gate. Each struck once with his mace and the gate was no more. They entered and slaughtered all the infidels they came across, not even letting them shout.

While they were looting the monastery, a herdsman saw them and fled back to the infidel lord and warned him that the monastery was overrun. He said: “What are you waiting for, the foe is upon you, fend for yourselves!” The lord summoned his lords and asked for their counsel to deal with the invaders.

His lords said: “Let us release Kazan and let him deal with them.” He deemed this good and let Kazan face the invaders. He told him: “Lord Kazan, enemy is upon us. Should you send them away we will set you free. Thus we take an oath, and you should take an oath to never wage war against us.” Kazan said: “God be my witness, I will not take the crooked path while the straight road is before me.” They misjudged and said: “Verily Kazan took a solemn oath.” The infidel lord gathered his men and came forth, erected his tent on the field. The infidels all gathered around Kazan and geared him with sword, spear and darts.

Meanwhile, the heroes of the Oghuz arrived in the field. Loud drums were beaten. Kazan saw that ahead of the warriors a white rider with a white banner and clad in steel, had his tent erected. Following him was Göne the Black. Then Kazan rode forth and asked for a duel. First Beyrek, riding his grey horse met his challenge. Then Kazan said: “O brave, clad in steel and coming in poise, tell me your name!” And Beyrek said: “O infidel, do not you know me? I am he who darted out of Parasar’s Fort Bayburt and flew like a wind, and took his betrothed from her wedding, Bamsı Beyrek son of Baybüre – come forth o infidel let us try our mettle!”

Kazan spoke again: “O brave, leading this troop there was a white rider with white banner, he who erected his tent in front of the rest. Who is that brave man, tell me please.” Beyrek said: “O infidel, surely he is the son of our lord Kazan.” Kazan thought: “Praise be to God my little son has become a great warrior.” Beyrek interrupted his thoughts: “How long will you keep asking this and that?” and rode towards Kazan, swinging his six flanged mace. Kazan did not reveal himself, but faced his strike, grasping his wrist he took his mace and hit his neck with its butt. Beyrek hugged his horse’s neck and returned to his men. Kazan shouted at his back: “O Beyrek, tell your lord to come forth.”

But Dülek Evren the Unbending son of Eylik the Old came forth, seeing Beyrek beaten. Kazan said: “O brave who rose from his bed in the dawn, riding towards me on an eager steed, it is a shame to hide your name from your foe, tell me your name!” Dülek Evren said: “O infidel, do not you know, I am he who left the country he was shunned, and conquered fifty-seven forts, Dülek Evren the Unbending son of Eylik the Old.” Speaking thusly, he took his spear in hand and rode forth. But Kazan dodged his strike, and took his spear, hit its butt so ferociously the shaft shatter on Evren. While he was riding back, Kazan shouted: “Damned fool, tell your lord to come forth.”

Seeing their foe unbeaten, Rüstem the Brave son of Düzen came forth. Kazan asked his name again, and Alp Rüstem said: “I am the cursed one who unknowingly killed two nephews, and roaming the world with its rage, Alp Rüstem son of Düzen.” He rode too, yet Kazan dodged and hit him. Sending him back, he asked their lord to come forth once again.

Uruz’s uncle Göne the Black was holding his bridle, but Uruz suddenly spurred his steed and rode forth, unsheathing his sword. Before Kazan could even move, he struck his shoulder, cutting through his mail and almost chopping his arm off. While Kazan was bleeding, Uruz turned to strike once more. Kazan, then, spoke to his son, let us hear, my khan, his words:

O my son, the peak of my black mountain
And the light of my darkening eyes
My brave Uruz, Uruz my lion
Killing your old father will not be wise.

Uruz was filled with compassion and his eyes were filled with tears. He dismounted and kissed his father’s hand, and Kazan kissed his neck. All the lords rode forth, dismounted and kissed his hand. Together they rode forth, and the doom was upon all the infidels that day, in hills and dells. They took the castle, razed the church and erected a mosque.

Uruz took his father from the bloody infidels, came back to the realm of Mighty Oghuz. Tidings reached his white faced mother, his daughters and brides welcomed Kazan kissing his hand. Kazan had his tents erected on fair meadow, and they feasted for seven days and nights. Grandfather Korkut came and played his lute, sang the deeds of warriors.

Where are the lords that we once praised
They who owned the world
Death took them and the soil hid
All lie in mud and mold.
They all come and go, the old and youth
Death in the end is the only truth.

May God never part you with your faith on the death’s hour, my khan May the Almighty never make you depend on the coward. We prayed five words on your white brow, may God accept it. May those who say amen see the face of Lord. May God forgive our sins for the sake of Muhammad Mustapha, my khan!

Translated by: M. Bahadırhan Dinçaslan

Dede Korkut çeviri Dede Korkut Çevirisi Salur Kazan Uruz esir Bahadırhan Dinçaslan İngilizce ingilizce dede korkut